Thursday, February 12, 2009

And what did you do today?

Well, the highlights of my day were racing from Supertarget to the gas station to the CVS all before bus pick-up time. Then I concluded the day with chasing a wayward kiddie pool down the street (it was real windy in our neck o' the woods today), reading part of a dictionary to my daughter for her reading time, and filling out 3 classes worth of kiddie Valentines.

All in a day's work.

All for Jesus.

If God told me what I'd be doing today I surely would have laughed...


Melanie said...

Those Valentines are a ton of work! I have a friend with six must take them forever to finish! haha

Perky Gramma Teaches said...

glad I'm a gramma now...

wv: navilto, what you read while contemplating your navel...