Friday, January 23, 2009

What will the neighbors think?

Sometimes I am really curious as to how the antics of our family must look to our neighbors. I wonder what they think about our scraggly front garden (that I keep trying to do something with but nothing new will take root). I wonder what they think about our snaggle-tooth venetian blinds (which were attacked by 2 curious children and 1 feisty kitten). Let's see, there's also our 5 year old daughter, who thinks that clothes are optional. And our 9 year old son (who, being autistic) holds any and all conversations at the top of his lungs - on any random topic - in public places.

Mostly right now I wonder what the neighbors behind us think when our 2 yr. old son has his "quiet time" in his room. You see, he shares a room with his brother, whose bed runs underneath the window (which has been thoroughly babyproofed). And the venetian blind in that room was ripped from its moorings by the older 2 fighting over who got to close it. So what is Connor's favorite activity when he doesn't feel like "resting" during his "quiet time"? Why, jumping on his brother's bed, of course!

I can hear the neighbors now, "Honey, that little boy is bouncing in the window again! I wonder if he does that all the time?"

The answer being.....yep.

1 comment:

Perky Gramma Teaches said...

To heck with what the neighbors think...