Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

come again perhaps in May. You know, when it's warm again.

So while the northern part of our country is shoveling out from under snowstorm after snowstorm, northern VA has gotten 3....straight.....days....of.....cold.....rain. Brrrr. Cold rain just chills me to the bone. And makes the kids all grexy (oops, my PA Dutch is showing). And for some bizarre reason magnifies No. #1 son's autistic tendencies. No one seems to know why this is. But every time we have several days of rainy weather in a row, it happens. Is it the low barometric pressure? Lack of sunlight? Lethargy masquerading as aggression? I have no idea.

Nothing in any parenting manual or autism help site can help me navigate these murky child rearing waters. Believe me, I've looked.

Days like this I wish I could buy one of those giant moonbounce things and stick the grumpy child in it until they've jumped out all their grumpiness.

Either that or, sun lamp, anyone?


MaricrisG said...

We're experiencing the same thing here in Charlotte. I wish it would just snow. oh well.

Bethany said...

Well, we've had snow here in the midwest, but it's been more of an icy mess...just not enough to close schools! I'm about ready for spring...I know, wishful thinking ;)