Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hiding in plain sight

So, sometimes I find that the answer to a prayer I've prayed has been sitting in front of me all along. Except that it's been sitting in front of me like so many puzzle pieces and I'm left without the picture on the box.

Today God gave me the picture - I think.

I can't be absolutely positive. But all the pieces seem to fit. These were the various pieces I've been trying to fit together:

1. God has called me to cut back on activities which affect our family schedule during the week.
2. God has called us to a church 20+ miles from our house.
3. I have been feeling antsy to really get out there and *do* something with my talents for God.
4. I have moved to the stage in my spiritual journey where I must learn to "feed myself" on the Word, rather than rely on someone else to teach me.
5. I need some sort of accountability in order to dig more deeply into the Bible (preferably every day) but pieces #1 through #4 kind of hinder that.
6. I have been feeling very isolated and frustrated by the seeming incompatibility of pieces #1 through #5.
7. I've been told I have a gift for writing, and the spiritual gift of teaching (or knowledge, some call it) and the loneliness and isolation seem to have kick-started a sudden need and craving to write.

As my dear friend D could tell you - this conundrum has been DRIVING ME ABSOLUTELY CRAZY for more than a year.

So what's the picture on the puzzle box?

I will very shortly be starting a new blog, specifically to write daily meditations working my way through the books of the Bible.

It's by no means a new idea. And I owe a great debt to Jon Acuff at Stuff Christians Like. He did a series on the book of Genesis a while back on his other site Prodigal Jon which had me mulling the idea over as a way to get our whole church studying the same part of the Bible at once.

As it turns out, I had the actual idea this past summer. I've just been operating under the assumption that I knew when and where it was supposed to be used. I thought it was supposed to be used only for our church, and not necessarily done by me. But I think God has been intending that I do this all along.

Since the running theme God keeps bringing me back to lately is the verse from Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God" the new blog is titled Be Still Before Him.

A few disclaimers:

1. I am not a professional theologian or trained Bible scholar.
2. I'm still a scatterbrain so until I really get into it I might forget!
3. I haven't got any particular order in mind, but I won't be going straight from Genesis through Revelation (especially cause I always get hung up around Numbers).
4. I'm going to try really hard to focus on the actual Scripture passage itself and not launch into amusing anecdotes. However, since I am relying on God to supply the inspiration I honestly have no idea what this will look like (or how long I'll last doing it).
5. I'll do my very best to remain Biblical and not hare off on weird tangents (cause it really annoys me when other writers do that).

Since I'm still technologically impaired it may take me a while to link everything up. Bear with me, please, I'm still learning. I will still post on Seeker's Soul because I always have random ponderings running through my brain. It also may take a while for me to settle into a rhythm of where I post when. In an ideal world I'd post on both M-F, but I know me.

I have no idea if this will fly, or if I'll have any audience for this, but I do have confirmation of a sort. My friend D says that when she's on target with a worship service element that "God explodes in her brain". I've found that when I'm on target with an idea, words explode in my brain. I'll be starting in the Gospel of John. Look for it in the next couple days.

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