Saturday, January 10, 2009

Two turtledoves...and a cat in the Christmas tree

Our Christmas tree has been up since the second week of December. For reasons that only make sense to him, last night our 5 month old kitten, Simba, suddenly decided it would be a really nifty climbing toy. Now, we weren't surprised at his behavior - he's a cat, after all. I still vividly remember staying at our friends' place at Christmastime and watching their kitten felling the Christmas tree every half hour or so.

But I must admit I was expecting him to start climbing it the minute we put it up, not a month later. Why did he ignore it (except for attacking the bottom branches) until yesterday? Why did a switch suddenly go on in his little cat brain reminding him that cats climb trees and hey, there's a nice one right there?

One of the mysteries of the mind of the domestic house cat...

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