Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wandering mind Wednesday

A lot of the bloggers I regularly read do a "Wordless Wednesday". Which I like, but I am hopelessly slow with photos and links. But I always have a lot of random ideas pinging around in my brain that don't necessarily go together. So here's a few thoughts that have ambled into my head over the past few days...

1. Why do they call the part of the US that I live in a temperate zone when it has some of the most IN-temperate weather I can imagine? Last week I was digging out our shorts and t-shirts again because it was in the 70's. Today, wearing a t-shirt, sweatshirt, jeans and socks, sitting inside my heated house, my fingers are still so cold I can barely type these words - it's coming up on noon my thermometer reads 35 degrees F.

2. Why is it that the same children who bounce out of bed at 7am on a Saturday remain unconscious lumps until I shovel them out of bed kicking and screaming on a school day?

3. Yesterday while bringing in the trash cans I bent down to pick up what I thought was a piece of discarded plastic that got blown out of someone's can - turns out it was a small plastic rosary. I have no way of knowing whose it is and I'm not Catholic. Do I keep it? Throw it out? Is that sacreligious? My daughter thought it made a cool necklace. Is that sacreligious too?

4. I used to read mostly non-fiction. Lately I've been devouring novels like there's no tomorrow. Is there a reason for this? What does that say about me?

5. When I go to church, listen to a Christian radio station, or read a book about the Christian journey, I hear a lot about being a good witness, letting my light shine, being a good example for others, etc. But the reality of my daily life is that for 6 days of the week, my sphere of influence is 4 people (1 husband, 3 children) and 1 small cat. That's it. Yes, I try to be nice to the store clerks (specially since I was one once). I try to drive my car so's not to be a hypocrite in light of the Jesus fish on the back of it. I try to be courteous to telemarketers. I am involved at church, but that's just 1 day out of 7. But for the most part, my day to day life with its triumphs and struggles is only lived out in front of those 4 people. Period. Is that okay with God? Should I be looking to add to my already overcrowded schedule? And how, exactly does one practice the presence of God while sorting laundry?

6. Being a SAHM requires me to live on the craziest schedule. Short bursts of frantic activity followed by countless hours of tedium. One day I have so many appointments and errands I'm hardly home. The next day I'm trying to dig the house out from where I threw everything from the day(s) before. I think the only people with a LESS predictable schedule than I have are doctors and first responders (firefighters, EMT's, police officers).

Anyway, those are my random musings for today....

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