Saturday, September 13, 2008

Questions running through my head...

What do you do when the path you thought God was leading you on suddenly leaves you feeling overwhelmed and confused?

What do you do when the choices you made in following this path you believed to be of God are having consequences on your family you never could have foreseen?

What do you do when staying on this path feels wrong, and so does leaving?

What do you do when you thought you were right at the center of God's will and all you feel is emptiness?

What do you do when you try to talk about the problem with other people, only all those other people have a vested interest in your decision?

What do you do when this problem is not one the Bible speaks directly on?

What do you do when making a decision on the matter and waiting to make a decision could both have negative and far-reaching consequences for your children?

What do you do when there is no really good solution to the problem?

What do you do when you recognize that all these uncomfortable questions and feelings could be Satan trying to distract and discourage you?

What do you do when feel like a part of your soul must be sacrificed either way?

What do you do when don't know what to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That headache comes from clamping down on the problem like a dog clamps down on a bone. You gotta drop that bone in God's lap, turn around three times at God's feet, lie down, curl up, take a nap, and let the Master be the Master. When you wake up, the headache will be gone and you'll know what to do. Relax! He's got it under control.