Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pre-holiday rant

I'm going on strike this time next year. I swear I am. In the past 48 hours I have sorted 100 pounds of laundry, washed and dried 7 loads of it, folded and put away 3 of the loads, run up and down both sets of steps in my house about 50 times a day, chased my toddler and the kitten out of every conceivable place in the house, and done all my normal mom duties with the children. It's 3pm. I've only just had lunch (1 pb&j sandwich).

In the next 24 hours I need to do the last load of laundry, fold and put away 5 finished ones, pack 4 suitcases, spend 2 hours going to my allergist to get my monthly shot (1/2hr. to get ready, 20 min. drive, 20 min. there, 20 min. home), get the cat's stuff ready to drop him off at the kennel, and do all my normal mom stuff for the kids.

Every. Muscle. In. My body. Hurts.

And I still have a 5-? hour drive with 3 children to look forward to. Don't get me wrong, I love visiting our families in PA. I just wish there was some way to get up there without this marathon beforehand.

So right now you're asking well, why did you wait so long to do laundry? I didn't - 8 loads is a normal amount for the 5 of us for a week. It's just that normally I have all week to do it in. But to go on a week long trip I need 2 weeks worth of clean laundry for all of us so that we have something to wear in the few days before and the few days after as well.

So next year. I think I'll go on strike. I'll still do the normal laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking. But I'll tell my husband if he wants to go visiting then he can do the extra laundry and the packing. They can go, I'll stay home. I'm going to go to the library, stock up on some good novels, buy some easy to fix food, and spend the holiday being thankful for relaxing at home.

Next year, I swear that I will. Really.....


Anonymous said...

oh, my dear seeker, how I understand! Perhaps you are due for a 'day out' or even a weekend retreat? I have found that, when I think I least have time/opportunity for one, that's when I need one the most. Husband has been known to gently, but literally, hand me my purse and escort me out the door with instructions to 'go do something just for ME'. Ah, well. hope you had a good thanksgiving?

Perky Gramma Teaches said...

Are you back yet?