Friday, August 28, 2009

The sign game

Recently we returned from our trip to West Virginia, where we spent some time camping. Camping is one of our favorite family vacations, and Blackwater Falls, WV is one of our favorite places to go. It is not an easy trip, however. Not just because we have to pack 300lbs. of camping gear and 5 people in our van, but the last third of the trip is over the river and through the woods by way of *lots* of switchbacks and elevation changes. I paid attention to the the signs this time - final elevation around the falls over 3,000 ft. above sea level. We live just out of the tidal basin that is Washington DC - yeah, pretty much *at* sea level here. And our daughter is prone to carsickness. And our faithful 13 year old van is prone to elevation sickness (or so it would seem - we always hold our breath that nothing will give way on the trip through the mountains).

So, one of my favorite ways to pass the time when I'm not driving is to read the street signs. I have often wondered whose job it is in any given area to come up with street names. Some of them probably made sense at one time - Old Mill Road - well, of course - at one time there was an old mill on the road and it was a good landmark. "Yeah, you just go down there by way of the old Mill road."

Some of the names are reminiscent of history - in Manassas there are lots of street names that refer back to the Civil War. One of my favorites that always gives me a giggle is Reb Yank Road - since I am originally a Yankee. Some of the names the locals just gave up and called a spade a spade - the main thoroughfare near our old apartment in PA just outside of Philly was, I kid you not, Street Road. First time I saw it I couldn't believe it. Come on, just a little creativity here? Somewhere on the PA turnpike (near Pittsburgh, I think) is a sign for Rodie Road. That one gave me the giggles too.

On the way up I saw a couple signs worth a laugh - like 3 Fox Lane. Why a number of foxes? Why only 3? Did they foxhunt out here at one time? And Lone Oak Road - among all these trees I see that one was a landmark? Really?

But the kicker came on the way back. Somewhere slightly west of Winchester, VA is saw a sign - in the middle of nowhere mind you - called....Glimpse of Heaven Lane!
You know, your first thought is, okaaaay....what was *that* person smoking at the time. It was this little lane that led up and over a small hill - okay - the view was fairly pretty, but a Glimpse of Heaven? Having just come down off a mountain with a spectacular falls that to me really *was* a glimpse of heaven - I found this truly puzzling.

I've decided that somewhere, in every city, town, and borough they have appointed a little old man or little old lady who sits in a tiny office at a tiny desk thinking up the most unusual street names they can to make a dull job more interesting - and to get a good laugh when the rest of us drive by looking puzzled. Because somebody decided there were too many Main Streets and First Streets in town, or something.

I mean, really - how else do you explain it?


Anonymous said...

My personal favorites are the directionally-challenged street names, like 'East West Street' or 'North South Avenue.'

Whoever named 'Fifth Third Bank' must've transferred in from the Street Naming Department. :)

Beth said...

Someone should go around the country writing all of them down - it would make a hysterical book. And I've noticed different areas of the country have their own peculiar quirks in naming.