Friday, August 7, 2009

Found an unprinted post in my edit box

I wrote this post on a school morning back in February. It never got "finished" but is an interesting glimpse into one of my not-quite-typical-but-not-atypical mom mornings....

It's 9:30AM. Since going to bed last night around 11PM this is what my night/morning has looked like:

11:15PM Hear the baby wake up and go padding around his room. He's done this ever since we took the side off his crib (it turns into a toddler daybed) and it's not unusual to find him asleep on his blankies in a different part of the room each morning.

11:25PM Ask husband to go check on baby - he says Connor's asleep on his brother's car pillow on the floor w/ his blankies. Settle in to read book - husband goes to sleep.

2AM The book is really good so I'm still awake (this happens if I accidentally pass my sleepy point). Charlotte comes into our room wanting to crawl in bed with us (which I'm trying to discourage but am usually asleep when she does this). I tell her no and go tuck her back in bed.

2:05AM Get back out of bed because Charlotte is screaming that she wanted her door left slightly open. Grrrr. Crack door open. Go back to bed.

2:45AM Finally able to put book down because Charlotte sounds quiet and go to sleep.

3AM Charlotte comes back into the room complaining she's too hot AND too cold. What?!? I tell her that's ridiculous and send her back to bed. I finally fall asleep.

6:30AM Husband leaving for work, Charlotte awake and bounding around (how, I have no idea), Chris is awake and whining through the door that his nose is running and he can't go to school today. Kiss husband, ignore Charlotte, tell Chris to go back to bed for now, pull covers over head and wait for alarm to go off.

7:15AM Drag tired self out of bed, find clothes for me and kids. Spend 15 minutes trying to get Charlotte to put her clothes on because she's jumping around pretending to be a kitten.Throw together backpacks and get her settled down with breakfast.

7:50AM Go back upstairs to begin wrenching Chris out of bed. Find Connor awake and happy sitting on the floor w/ blankie. Chris is a lump in the bed.

7:55AM Chris marginally awake and groaning that he can't go to school and would I please stick a thermometer in his mouth and take his temperature. Get thermometer, take temperature, no fever. (Because my kids have a flair for drama you only get to stay home if you've got a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, raging cough, or spots) Tell Chris he must get dressed. Get Connor some Cheerios.

8:10AM Hand Chris a pop tart. Shovel 3 kids into coats, hats, gloves, etc. and get everyone in the car (yes, I drive them to the bus stop - it's a very busy intersection and it keeps the kids corralled and out of the weather).

8:20AM Get halfway up the street towards the bus stop and see that Charlotte's bus is already there nearly 10 minutes early - aaack! Park and run her to the bus.

8:25AM Get Chris on his bus.

8:30AM Get home, feed cat, clean up Cheerios Connor spilled on the door mat before we left, tape up Christmas tree box and shove/drag/carry down to basement, fetch cat from basement 3 times, fetch baby out of basement twice, put coffee on.

9:30AM Finally get to sit down w/ 1st cup of coffee.

Yep, that was my morning so far. Not completely typical (I usually get a little more sleep than that) but not atypical either.

On mornings like this I wonder what God is thinking as He looks at me running around like a nut case. No matter whether or how much I plan, everything never runs smoothly. Even on mornings when we've all had enough sleep and everything is all ready to go, someone has a last minute emergency.

Sometimes I wish we didn't have to live so much by the clock.

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