Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rekindling an old obsession

On Saturday Dec. 12th my oldest son, Christopher, turned 10. That afternoon, after returning from the pancake breakfast we went to for his Scout troop, he surprised me by going to the bookshelf in our bedroom and pulling out all 3 of the photo albums that house the pictures of little baby Christopher. He brought them down to the living room and he and his sister had a great time looking at them. It occurred to me as I peered over their shoulders that I hadn't seen Charlotte and Connor's wee little baby pictures in a while.

So began the photo quest. One of the main places I knew I would find them was on my scrapbooking shelves in the basement (for all you scrapbookers, it is a nice *dry* basement - not finished (yet) but not a repository of mildew). Some years back - about 2 babies ago - the ladies in my church were heavily into scrapbooking. I got caught up in the frenzy and fell in love with it. Even became a consultant for a while - but then after 2 more kids and a move, life happened and it went by the wayside.

Well, I started rummaging through all my crop bags and came up with not just the baby photos, but a lovingly half-finished scrapbook that I'd forgotten I'd been working on. And then I stumbled upon a passel of pictures I'd rescued from my mom's house - photos of my teenage years, and our house, and....gulp....my Daddy - gone almost 5 years now. Standing beside a snowman we'd made.....posing in front of the house on a summer's day. And pictures of the things he loved - his old '69 Ford that he called Big Blue, and the outdoor Nativity he set up so carefully every Christmas. Ohhhh, boy. The memories.

I really don't need something else to do right now. Between Chris on the cusp of puberty, Connor getting developmental testing for a speech delay, trying to not lose Charlotte in between them, waiting to see if Brian has a job next year (school budget cuts), an aborted attempt at a church hunt, and a lot of annoying (but thankfully not serious) winter illnesses I have my hands quite full.

But - maybe - in the few spare minutes I hardly have, maybe I could also dig out some pages and adhesive. You know, for the kids' sake (wink, wink).

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