Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Be still and know....still?

I am having one of those weeks where my to-do list is so long I have no idea how I'm going to get it all done. Every time I turn around I remember one more thing I forgot to put on it. I'm multitasking in ways I usually don't even try to (in fact, I'm squeezing this posting in while I munch breakfast before I dash off to take the cat to the vet).

In the middle of all this craziness I wonder.....what is God thinking while I'm down here running around like a chicken with no head? "Be still and know that I am God" is one of my favorite verses, and one that God has been impressing on me and my friend D lately as really important. Only, what about those days when being still is absolutely impossible? Those days where, though I have not actively overcommitted myself - still I have been handed an impossible schedule by the circumstances around me. What then?

Where can I go or what can I do to center down and commune with God-who-is-within-me when it's absolutely all I can do just to get it all DONE? Those days where I feel like the Mommy Machine. Please hold, your task will be accomplished in the order it was received.

Some days I really hate our modern, busy, suburban lifestyle. How do you all handle this sort of craziness?

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